Grafik mit Laptop, die WordPress Backend zeigt

WordPress Plugin

ACF Hide Layout

Free WordPress plugin for ACF Pro that allows you to
hide flexible content in the frontend.

Explore    Download

Grafik mit Laptop, die WordPress Backend zeigt

Hide content in the frontend –
keep it in the backend

  • Save content blocks for later

    Remove a content layout from showing in the front end of the website. Keep it in the back end in case you want to reactivate it again.

  • Quickly disable incorrect content

    Just deactivate the component. As soon as  you have corrected the error, activate the block again on the live site.

  • Test different component layouts

    Get creative with different component layouts in the back end. Then decide which layout you want to present in the front end.

How it works

Don’t delete layouts –
just deactivate them

ACF Hide Layout plugin makes it easy for you to disable and
enable flexible layout content. Learn here how it works.


Graphic showing content blocks in the WordPress backend.

Prepare content in the backend of your page

Create pages with all the content you plan to publish. And even more – start preparing compontent blocks for later.

Grafik, die im WordPress Backend ein Icon mit Auge zeigt.

Hide components in the frontend

Disable specific content just by clicking the eye icon in the component. It won’t be deleted, just disabled on the live site. You can still work on the component.

Grafik, die im WordPress Backend ein Icon mit durchgestrichenem Auge zeigt.

Activate component when needed

Once you decide you want to enable a hidden block, click the crossed out eye of the component and make the content visible for visitors.

ACF Hide Layout – simple and intuitive

Free Plugin
We’ve developed the plugin to make your workflow easier. Have fun using it!

Light weight
ACF Hide Layouts doesn’t load any scripts and doesn’t slow down your website.

Based on WordPress and ACF Pro
ACF Hide Layout requires WordPress version 4.7 or above and ACF Pro version 5.7 or above.

Open Source
Help to develop the plugin and translate it to other languages.

Make your workflow easier –
Try ACF Hide Layout.

Download Plugin


You can install the plugin directly in the plugin section of your WordPress website. Alternatively you can download the plugin on WordPress or GitHub. Then upload it to the plugin directory of your WordPress site and activate it.


After activating the plugin, every component will contain an eye icon. Toggling the icon will hide or show the layout in the frontend.

Sure, it’s open source and you can help to improve the plugin or translate it to other languages. Thanks for contributing!

You can submit a support ticket on WordPress. We will take care of the solution as soon as possible.